

Content Ideas, If You Are Struggling To Rank (Final Chapter)

In the Chapter 1 of this series of Content ideas, if you are struggling to rank, we told you why content is so important, along with the sources from where you could get unique content ideas. This is the extension of that blog and is the final chapter of this series. In this blog we […]


How Is The Influence Of An Influencer Used To Promote Business?

Marketing is the way you tell the people that your business provides the solution to the problem you are facing, or your business provides a product which people might be looking for. Influencer marketing is the most recent type of marketing which has surfaced and is doing great for a lot of businesses.  This blog […]


Content Ideas, If You Are Struggling To Rank (Chapter-1)

Trust us when we say this, everybody goes through the phase when they are out of content ideas and they don’t know what to do. It is like a phase where the world seems to have gone bare of content ideas for websites, youtube, blogs and all the other platforms. But don’t worry! We have […]


Can Digital Marketing replace Traditional Marketing?

The channel via which a target audience is exposed to a marketing message is the key distinction between digital and traditional marketing. Digital marketing employs digital media, such as social media or websites, as opposed to traditional marketing, which uses traditional media, such as magazines and newspapers.  Of course, just because something is traditional doesn’t […]


Importance Of Searcher Intent

Imagine someone has a query and they go to a search engine and type, “Where can I buy an apple?” How would you know whether they want apples for eating or apple gadgets? This is the exact scratch-head moment where searcher intent plays a major role! In this blog we are going to tell you […]


Your Guide To Email Marketing

How many times does it happen to you that you open your email and see at least one email (if not loads of them) from brands that notify you about their new collection launch or a big sale that the brand is going to hold very soon? Quite often, isn’t it? And honestly, sometimes these […]


Moment Marketing: How it will help businesses for growth?

The marketing horizon is an ever-changing one. The digital revolution has given traditional marketing methods a run for their money. Limitless advertising possibilities have emerged and have been effectively used by brands. One such marketing tactic is moment marketing, where you associate your brand with a “moment” or an event. It isn’t really difficult when […]



Emotional branding, and advertising for that matter, have been around for decades! When you associate your brand, product, or service, you create a relationship with the customer that triggers specific emotions. Emotional branding triggers and plays to the human emotions of love, greed, fear, and gratitude. Emotional branding, according to an article by Harvard Business […]


Meme Marketing: More Than A Trend

It is astonishing that you came out of the world of memes and got some time to read this blog on memes. Well, as you are here, let’s talk about meme marketing and actually have a serious discussion on it. (you might have thought about a lot of sarcastic memes in your head after reading […]